Created this game for the Pirate Software - Game Jam 15! I plan on continuing this project after the gamejam to improve it even more than what this extremely early build offers!


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I love the kaboom.

If this had a good music loop track it would be a lot more fun to play; the repeated sound gets a bit harsh to listen to after a while. In any case I had fun!!

Not Bad. The Kaboom sound effect is endearing.

One complaint is that you have to get really close to the edge of the screen before it starts to move.


I will try and work on the camera controls I basically set it so there was a 3 tile difference between you and the end of the screen which is only 192 pixels.

I would love it if you could shoot diagonally.  Kaboom!

I might consider adding this as an upgrade in the future, I truly want to strive to keep the game simple overall so anyone can enjoy it.